love yourself

            The theme these days seems to be “love yourself” and to a certain extent, I agree this is necessary. However, I believe we have a misconstrued view of what love looks like (myself included). We equate loving ourselves with giving ourselves whatever we desire. This, my friends, is not love.

            Real love fights for what is right for the body and soul. That might mean saying no to yourself. Parents do not give children their every whim and desire because they love them and know that not everything is good for them. Keeping love in the proper perspective will help each of us make better decisions throughout life.

            I write this as a reminder to myself as much or more than thoughts to share. Rather than seeing myself as being deprived, I want to see myself (and you) as loved.

            1 Corinthians 10:23: "Everything is permissible"--but not everything is beneficial. "Everything is permissible"--but not everything is constructive.”


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