small victories

            The end of the semester is closing in on me and I must admit I had a minor meltdown yesterday thinking about all I had yet to do. Returning to school as an adult has many challenges; balancing school and work, grasping the subject matter takes a little more time, & remembering the subject matter… woo boy. It just felt like I was in a hole and everything was caving in on top of me. My perspective was all wrong.

            I prayed a bit to get calm and tried a new perspective. This time I am above the hole and filling it with all those “to-dos” Then, I chose one thing and worked on it and today I will work on the next thing, prioritizing by due dates. Yesterday I was able to turn in one big assignment and I consider it a small victory. I’m thankful for God’s calming presence in my life.

            Matthew 19:26 “ Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”



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