True forgiveness

            How many times have you said the Lord’s prayer in your life? Maybe you never have or maybe your number is in the tens of thousands. There is a portion of the prayer that says; “forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us.” This portion has given me pause for thought a number of times.  Are we saying; forgive my sins and I do forgive those who have sinned against me? OR are we saying forgive me like I forgive others? Because if it’s the latter, I think I might be in trouble. There are times I really struggle to forgive others, they hurt me pretty badly.
            How do I know when I have honestly forgiven another? I say I forgive you and I try to move on. But if something comes up that reminds me of those hurts, I can get myself worked up all over again, do you do that too? I’m sure I have hurt God badly, especially when I return to my sin and repeat it. Shouldn’t forgiveness, real forgiveness, free me from that pain and anger? I was bullied in school, although back then it was called teasing; regardless I continue to carry some emotional scars. I’m talking about 50-year-old sins that can still dredge up hurt and anger! I avoid many shows and movies because of the bullying portrayed and the emotions that surface. So I ask you, have I truly forgiven my trespassers? Why do I hold onto that pain like a trophy? It is a lie that Satan uses to turn our eyes away from our loving Father.
            Obviously, not fully forgiving others holds me hostage to these emotions. Like drinking poison and expecting someone else to die. My trespassers are none the wiser. Forgiveness is as much for me (if not more) as it is for the trespasser. I believe that God is infinitely more gracious than I can ever be. After all, he sent Jesus to die for my sins before I even knew what sin was. God knows that real forgiveness is the answer for true freedom for each of us. I will keep working on forgiving others as He forgives me, a never-ending task I’m sure. I encourage you to consider how you forgive others too. The concept of forgiveness ties in nicely with the expression; Let go, let God. He provides for us in every way; we just need to let Him.
            “Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven, Give us this day our daily bread.  And forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation but deliver us from the evil one.” Matthew 6: 9-13


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