

            I’ve been thinking about time today.  I need to catch the bus to the airport at 10:00 and then the plane at 1:43 and when I finally land, push my clock ahead several hours. My daughter had to be at work very early this morning as it is Black Friday and she works in retail (she was a little late, mornings aren’t her thing).

            This concept of time is held in high regard by many cultures.  I was raised with a punctual attitude; if we weren’t a half hour early, we thought we were late.  There are cultures that don’t place as much value on time but the concept is still present.

            What if time didn’t exist?  I imagine that in eternity, it does not.  In eternity, we will be outside of time, for a punctual person, as me, that may present a challenge.  If we are outside of time, perhaps we will just decide to do something and begin to do it immediately, no waiting. It is fascinating to consider.

            I wonder how grueling it was for Jesus to come into this world and live within the constraints of time.  Luke 2: 6, 7 “While they were there, the time came for the baby to be born, 7 and she gave birth to her firstborn, a son.  She wrapped him in cloths and placed him in a manger, because there was no guest room available for them.” However, he came to the world in the usual way, lived a human life, and died an inhuman death, all because he loves us.  He LOVES us!


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