
It is rainy and dreary tonight but I have a warm place to be and blanket for my lap; I am blessed.

My house is cluttered with shoes, papers and books but I have young people in my life with which to share my home; I am blessed.

I have scattered bruises on my body but they are from an enthusiastic dog that loves me unconditionally; I am blessed.

I have aches and pains in my joints and back but I can still get where I need to go; I am blessed.

There are many things in need of repair in my home but I have a home; I am blessed.

I have a long to-do list but in the grand scheme of things it doesn’t matter; I am blessed.

Whatever our situation there is always a “but” and our view will change depending on which side of the but we are.

Choose to be on the side of blessing, trusting in the Lord and whatever life throws at you will be a blessing too!

Just feeling thankful tonight.

I am blessed.


  1. Jody how much have you gotten from sharing your life,soul and mind from this blog. It is very easy for me to see the growth and the trust in Christ over these few years. I find your writings to be refreshing and insightful in this world we live in. Keep at it and enjoy the blessings. Pax CH


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