it's for giving

Last night as I was praying I was giving thanks and saying, “thanks for giving me…” and the “for giving” part suddenly jumped out at me.  For giving, forgiving, forgiveness.  God gives me (all of us) so much and he leads by example.  Although it is a very simple concept, I thought about the fact that forgiveness is for giving.  We are to forgive others freely, not carry it around just to give to family and friends.

Forgiveness gives back too.  When we truly forgive another we let go of the grudges and bitterness, it frees us to live abundantly. Remember how Satan invades our lives in those innocuous ways?  Well, one of those ways is to convince us that we need to hang on to grudges and bitterness; after all, we need to get revenge…right?  Wrong!  “Do not take revenge, my friends, but leave room for God's wrath, for it is written: "It is mine to avenge; I will repay," says the Lord.”  Romans 12:19 How often do we rob ourselves of God’s blessing because we don’t leave room for him to work in us?  I told you before; Satan is sneaky.

God wants us to live abundantly, he desires to bless us and we keep standing in his way or directing him as to how he can bless us. I speak to myself as much as anyone reading this; let’s get out of God’s way and be blessed!


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