worth it

            Do you ever have those days when you feel as though you are all alone in the world? You know you have God in life but you just wonder if anyone would even notice if you just went away. I have days when I feel invisible and I don’t like them.  We all want to know that we matter to others.

 There is a song by the group Mikeschair that moves me so deeply, it is called “Someone Worth Dying For” here is the chorus:

“Am I more than flesh and bone?
Am I really something beautiful?
Yeah, I wanna believe, I wanna believe that
I'm not just some wandering soul
That you don't see and you don't know
Yeah I wanna believe, Jesus help me believe that I
Am someone worth dying for “

            How awesome are these lyrics?  However, I can get so caught up in the pleading that I miss the answer.  God is showing me everyday such love but I’m still riding the pity party tour bus, looking out the wrong window.  I recently looked out the other side of the bus and I saw; I am loved and so are you.  My dogs sing for me when I get home.  My children tell me they love me on a regular basis.  My facebook friends appreciate my comments with “likes” or comments.  My friends think of me and include me in happenings.  I have received a multitude of hugs.  My guess is that you have many of those signs of love in your life too.  Open your eyes and ears; God is here, loving you.

            Yes, you are more than flesh and bone.  Yes, you are beautiful!  Yes, you are worth dying for!  Romans 5:8 “But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.”


  1. This is right on time, because yesterday morning I woke up thinking alot of the line from the movie "Little Big Man" where Chief Old Light Skins is persuaded by Jack Crab (Dustin Hoffman) to head for the river where they might get away from an attack alive. He said the river is part of the great circle of waters of the earth and if the Chief didn't see the attackers in his dream then they couldn't see him. The excitement picked up as they both walked toward the river as though they were really invisible. As they were walking Light Skins excitedly remarked: "Invisible . . . I've never been invisible before." And he just kept on grinning and walking until they made a safe passage to the river.

    True we don't want to be alone in this life, and when our soul departs, we won't be alone because there will be other beings like us in soul form. Right now there are about 7 billion alive on this planet and in a body. It's safe to say that there are myriads and myriads of beings in soul form not held down by gravity. As such they do not need earth's rotation or revolution to mark time. They have escaped to eternity where a peaceful or turbulent existence is based on the Christian faith in God to either create or destroy the paradise of the human soul. Matthew 10:28

    During the 70's there was a bumper sticker in circulation promoting Wisconsin tourism that said: "Escape to Wisconsin". It didn't take people long to cut the first 6 letters out of "Wisconsin" leaving the words: "Escape to Sin". It's that kind of thinking that could lead to an eternal paradise ruined by the power of God.


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