the grudge

            It is always puzzling to me to discover I’m in a bad mood.  Typically, I find no compelling reason to be negative.  Negative vibes are so sneaky, how do they get into my life?  After some self-reflection, I have concluded that my bad moods stem from grudges I carry and if I’m carrying a grudge, I must not be forgiving others.  I find that certain people or situations will cause me to overreact in ways that are not loving.

            How do I forgive those who get under my skin? Should I forgive someone who is truly in the wrong, yet does not ask for forgiveness? What about righteous anger, shouldn’t I hold onto that?  The bottom line is that forgiveness is just as beneficial for the forgiver as it is the forgiven, maybe even more so.  Holding onto grudges is self-destructive; it actually is harmful to one’s health.  Carrying hatred adds unhealthy stress to the body.  As cliché as it may be, “Let go, Let God,” really is the way to go.  This is not giving someone carte blanche to walk all over you, for those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it. It requires modifying your approach to certain people or situations but it does not require hate.

            The next time I find myself in a grumpy mood, I plan to look inside myself and my relationships, as the serenity prayer suggests; I will pray for the courage to change the things I can, the serenity to accept the things I cannot and the wisdom to know the difference. May we all have the courage to forgive and to love!  Happy New Year!

Leviticus 19:18 “Do not seek revenge or bear a grudge against anyone among your people, but love your neighbor as yourself.  I am the LORD.”


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