Snakes on a walk

This has been a rough day emotionally. I celebrate with my daughter and son-in-law their third anniversary. I also recollect the wedding day and the joy we shared as a family and that causes me to miss my Don. What I wouldn’t give to hold his hand in mine and to hear his laugh! So, I did what I usually do on such days and cried loudly (no one was around except my dogs) and I pleaded with God to ease my pain.

            In an effort to feel better I took my dog, Elsa, for a walk. I listen to praise music on my I-pod and try to hear God’s voice. Every so often the urge to cry again would well up inside me, I found if I just tell myself “no” forcefully I can stop the tears. It is a gorgeous day so getting out for a walk felt good.

            Then something trivial but odd happened. At first I thought I was seeing a large worm but it was actually a small snake crossing the path in an S-like manner, not much bigger than a number two pencil. Between the fact that it was unexpected and it was a snake (yikes!) I was frightened (briefly of course). As I considered that tiny snake and my fears (loneliness, economic, failure, etc), I realized they are very similar. I only needed to step over the snake and keep moving forward and it is now just a memory. It is the same with my day to day fears; just keep moving forward focus on the provisions of God. When I keep my perspective and focus on how much God has already done for me, I can rest in the knowledge that he isn’t going anywhere, he’s got my back. I do appreciate how God speaks to me through happenstance; I am fascinated as the proverbial light bulb shines. What is God telling you today?

                                                          Me and my daughters


  1. God is telling me to keep my chin up. I love reading your entries. I myself want to cry when I read them. Keep sharing your faith with people.... because shared faith is faith-yet-to-be-gained by others. It ebbs off of you... and others soak it up. So keep writing... because it gets you AND me closer to our Lord. <3

  2. God has shown me in my broken ankle and in it I must be still and wait on the Lord spending my time in His Word,encouraging others in need and just knowing that in ANY situation He is in control.

  3. Today pain was is alot like waves against the shore never ending.Laura my wife was watching me move in pain trying to find a spot where my ankle(Talus) bone wouldn't hurt so much. And she stated Carl remember how Jesus was put on the cross and where the nails went thru Him in His wrists and thru His ankle bones. It makes me really grateful and I feel blessed that the pain I feel is just a very small touch of the amount of pain Jesus borne for me so I could be Saved and be one of His children. Praise God hallelujah Thank You Jesus Amen P.S. Jody thank you for reaching out to others and sharing your soul and giving us a place to share also. God Bless You and yours


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