No Bah Humbug for Me

            Only 65 days until Christmas! This is the holiday that produces extreme feelings in people; they either love it or hate it. Commercialism has done great damage to the holiday. I have met many a Christian who are Christmased out and that makes me sad. The joy of Christmas isn’t found under the tree, in the store or with a bite of the perfect cookie. The joy of Christmas is found in the manger, God made flesh because he loves us! How great would it be if we take back Christmas from retail and make it all about Jesus, as it should be?

            I get really perturbed when people get so excited about Halloween and when Christmas is mentioned they just grumble about how commercial it is. People grumble when Christmas decorations are put out in the stores so early, what if those decorations were out all year long? There will be no bah humbug from me. I think of the converted Ebenezer Scrooge who promises to keep Christmas in his heart all year long; how I wish we could all keep Christmas all year long. How? You ask.

            Hang on to the love moments in your life and give thanks for them. Here are few everyday love moments that remind me of Christmas joy:

            A baby smile

            My dog singing on my arrival home

            A hug from one my kids, natural or adopted

            The smell of a meal cooked with love and family around the table

            A song on the radio that touches my heart

            A belly laugh that brings tears to my eyes

            Aroma memories

            Knowing that I made someone else laugh or feel good about herself

            A phone call from a friend

            Satisfaction in a job well done

The list goes on and on. The point is; there are reasons everyday of the year to celebrate Christmas joy. Don’t let the world steal your joy. Let the joy well up inside you and reach to your outsides too, share the joy of love!


  1. Right on Jody! Your message spoke volumes to me this evening after a very long work day. It was a day that could suck the joy out of life! But I do have joy from Jesus, and you have me pumped for another long day tomorrow!

    Melrry Christmas! Rita


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