captive thoughts

I feel as though “please forgive me” should just be playing on a loop. My issue: being judgmental, not in an overt way mind you, but the thoughts that go through my head passing judgment on the slow person, the not very bright person, the not very clean person, the odd person and so on. It isn’t even conscious judgment, these thoughts just pop up.

2 Corinthians 10:5 states: “We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.” I frequently think to myself…take every thought captive, now, I don’t know about you but I have an unending stream of thoughts, taking each of them captive seems like an impossibility. How do I keep every thought obedient to Christ?  How I wish I had the answer to that! Maybe that loop playing “forgive me” is the key, it creates the awareness I need, the reminder and realization that these thoughts happen is the first step.

Yesterday was Sunday and two concepts were presented to me. First, that God does want perfection from us, the ten commandments are not suggestions. Second that Satan does not want to be revealed, he hides in the innocuous things of life, things like apathy, grudges, bitterness. Both of these concepts are why it is crucial to take every thought captive.  We cannot give Satan a foot hold in our lives that is why God demands perfection. That is why we should strive for perfection.



  1. Jody your comments are right on and I too believe also that we all must be diligent in our daily struggles with what we call life. Thank You Pax Ch


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