
Elsa and I went for a walk around the lake at Bauman Park today. I am so enamored of the fall colors, I love how God has supplied the leaves with such brilliant glory in their final moments.

            As I walked, I prayed. I have been on an emotional roller coaster for several days now and I finally feel like I am off that ride. (Have I mentioned I strongly dislike roller coasters?) I was thanking God for bringing me through my personal turmoil and blessing me with all these spectacular colors. As we came around the lake I noticed how still the water was and how it allowed for the perfect reflection of the trees in all their glorious splendor. (see the picture I took below) It occurred to me that we are like water, we should reflect the beauty and love of God to those around us. When we are still (knowing he is God) we reflect him near perfectly. Yet, when we are not still; worried, fretful, fearful, we cannot reflect God, just as when the water is rippled and not still it does not reflect the beauty around it. Those ripples made me think of the devil throwing stones at my life and interfering with my reflection.

 This is the type of word picture Don would have enjoyed and recognizing the analogy gave me great joy. I can’t help but think of Don and how brilliantly his faith in God was reflected in his final days. I know without question, heaven is waiting. I pray for the confidence to be still water.

“Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.” Psalm 46:10


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