So here I am

I have been a widow for two and a half years now, I really dislike that title but at the same time it lets others know that I am a wounded person. So many people believe that I am so strong because I keep moving forward, honestly, what choice do I have? There are certain things that motivate me each day; what I believe God's will is for me, the voice of my beloved Don in my heart, and the opportunity to love others. Being a nurse in a Neuro-Trauma ICU gives me many opportunities to see all my blessings in disguise. I have healthy children and my health and i thank God for that daily.
 Family, what a great invention of God's. Every family has someone who is a button pusher, a bragger, a joker, a peace keeper and the list goes on, it may be extended family and they may drive you so insane. You know though, that when the chips are down they will be there for you.  It is the wounds that create the strongest bonds in a family. It doesn't matter if your parents were awesome or pitiful, you learned how to cope, your siblings may have picked on you but that trial made you stronger. Families shape us, but it is up to the individual to decide which direction the shape takes. We have the free will to look for the good or dwell on the bad.
I know that I need to look for the good in all things because it makes life so much better. Do I miss my husband? Absolutely. Will it hold me back from the life God has planned for me? Absolutely not.


  1. I cannot wait to follow your journey through blogging Jen!!! Welcome to this wonderful world of expression! I love it! If you ever get a chance check out mine too!!!


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