Two little boys were known trouble makers in the small town. Their mother did everything she could think of to bring them in line. Finally, she went to her minister and asked him to have a talk with the boys, to which he agreed. The boys were taken into the minister’s office one at a time. The first boy sat across the desk from the minister who stared at him, the minister then stood up and spoke in a firm voice, “Do you know where God is?” The boy stared back blankly, thinking he had not been heard the minister spoke even louder, “Do you know where God is?” The color left the little boy’s face and he bolted from the office, ran home and hid. His brother watched as the first boy ran out of the church and decided he wasn’t going to stick around to receive the same treatment. The second brother found the first one hiding beneath the stairwell and he asked what happened? The first brother replied breathlessly, “It’s really bad, God is missing and they think we took him!”

God will never go missing from our lives but it is really easy for us to go missing from him. We can go MIA without even knowing we’re lost. God wants to hear from us frequently and he never has to ask if anyone knows where we are because he is with us always.


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