In our image

I have an analogy/theory about the Trinity. I believe when God said, “Let us create man in our image” he was not referring to the outward appearance of a human. Coming from a nurse’s point of view I look at a lot of things as to how it relates to the body. The three major organs are the brain, heart and lungs, these three work together to keep a person alive and for a person to be declared dead there must be no heart rate, breathing or brain activity. I believe the brain is in the image of God the Father, this is where thought originates and creativity develops as the Father created the universe and each of us. The lungs are the image of the Holy Spirit; we breathe which also gives us our voice as the Holy Spirit gives us words to speak. The New Testament Greek word for the spirit is “pneuma” which translates as wind or breath. We use that prefix in words such as pneumonia & pneumothorax, both having to do with the lungs. Finally, the heart is the image of Jesus Christ the son of God. The heart circulates the blood, it is always pumping, always present and Jesus shed his blood for us. Jesus is always working in the life of the Christian; he is the being that the church represents as the body of Christ. Just as the brain, heart and lungs are separate but part of the same being so is the Holy Trinity.

Food for thought. Have blessed day!


  1. Jody you have made my day because I was married to Mary whom was also a nurse and she had that idea about the body systems. I myself look @ simple things like a egg the yolk,the white part,the shell. again three. Before Mary went Home to Jesus the year and 5 months she would speak about many Godly stuff. Here's another thought Water in a liquid,it can become steam,and it can be hard as ice.God's creation has a million examples of the Trinity.


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