No sir, I don't get it

Doesn’t it just amaze you that people can look at the changing of the seasons and not see God? If an artist painted a picture depicting a beautiful autumn day no one would even consider thinking that the painting occurred by accident. Yet, people are willing to believe that the original creation of the autumn day with all its extraordinary colors and cool breezes happened because of some cosmic explosion. For the life of me I cannot understand this train of thought.

Neither do I understand why someone feels that it is better to have originated from some primordial mud puddle rather than being loved, planned and structured by a loving creator. It goes well beyond the deepest recesses of my mind.

Psalm 139 is my favorite chapter in the bible. It tells me that God knew me before I was formed and that all the days ordained for me were written in his book before one of them came to be. It doesn’t make me a puppet on a string, I have the free will to do as I choose. We live on a linear timeline, God is outside of time and he already can see what decisions I will make and he is already there each day, ready to walk beside me. I have noticed on those days I don’t feel particularly joy filled, God always send a smile to lift me up. One of my favorite natural cartoons is that of a dog with his head out of a car window, not a care in the world, he knows too that God is already there.


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