lost valuables

I thought I misplaced something very valuable to me today. I have a crucifix necklace that my husband gave me and that is also where I keep Don’s wedding ring. I wore the necklace a couple days ago and I remembered taking it off and I thought I remembered putting it in my jewelry box. However, this morning when I looked for it I could not find it. I didn’t really panic thinking it has to show up because I wouldn’t have left it somewhere unsafe. But after mulling it over in my head it dawned on me that I had water in my basement and we had brushed it into the sump pump, used the wet-dry vacuum and swept various ruined things into the garbage. Immediately, I had a sinking feeling; what if I left my necklace on top of the jewelry box and accidently grabbed it up with things for the laundry and thrown it in the basement? (We’ll discuss my housekeeping skills another time) I felt ill. How could I do such a thing? What will my children think of me? How do I explain such a gaff in judgment?

After rooting through the laundry room and coming up empty handed I was boarder-line despondent. I made the decision to post a prayer request on facebook without bringing up specifics (too embarrassed). I offered my own silent prayer and looked in my jewelry box once more. There it was, camouflaged by another necklace, exactly where I always place it. God is good, all the time. All the time, God is good.


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