blessings & challenges

Have you ever overcome a hurdle to think, “Whew, now I can move on” only to be confronted by another hurdle? I’m guessing you have. It makes me think of all the people that Jesus healed in the New Testament. Imagine the sense of elation the blind man felt when he could see or the crippled man when he picked up his mat and walked. Yet, almost instantly the elation evaporates as the bible tells us that church authorities begin making accusations toward the blind man and his parents distance themselves from him. The cripple had been a beggar all his life, now he is an able bodied man with no discernable skills. We don’t know how old he is when this miracle occurs but he now finds himself in a position of having to make a living to support himself.  His blessing brings new challenges, as most blessings do.

But if blessings bring challenges then the reciprocal is true that challenges bring blessings. Our current economy is most certainly a challenge, men and women looking for work where it appears there is none to be had. Rising prices and minimal wages like oil and water do not mix. Thus is the challenge. The blessings come in less tangible ways but they are there; the blessing of families drawing together, blessings of people reaching out to help one another, the blessing of people drawing close to God and the blessings in answered prayers everywhere displaying God’s provision.

I do not wish to belittle the hurdles only to encourage all of us to do whatever we can to aid and encourage each other in these trying times. Consider perhaps that you are God’s answer to another’s prayer.


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