texts or arrows

I am a self-confessed Facebook addict, it is my social connection.  Being a single woman these days, getting out of my house to do things can be a real challenge.  There is something very endearing and instant about it.  I am in communication with family and friends all over the world.  I can post my own thoughts or even this blog. There is something comforting about the connectedness that exists.  Just knowing that people I care about, care about me too is a huge comfort.  I like that I can just pop on for a quick peek or I can spend hours exploring.

It is similar to my prayer life too. One difference being that I don’t need an internet connection with God.  However, I can do a quick pop in and shoot God an arrow prayer, like when I pass an accident and the ambulance is there, I shoot God an arrow prayer to be with the victims.  Alternatively, I can be in conversation with God for hours, just talking about life.  Now, God may not text me back but he does answer prayer and I love when the realization of his answers reach me.  Sometimes I have to reassure myself that he knows best, especially when his answer is no and I think it should be yes. It has been my experience though, that when he says no, it is because he has something better in mind.

James 1:5-6: “If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you. But when you ask, you must believe and not doubt, because the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind.”


  1. I'm checking everyday because it's always a blessing to read your blog. Quite often it just falls right in line with my thinking for the day or even the moment. Now after just finishing an email with Carl where I checked on a scripture at Rev 13:18 which begins by saying: "This calls for wisdom". Now I'm reading your blog and there's the answer to anyone lacking in wisdom. A simple, humble, prayer to God can help us with any problem where we lack in wisdom and understanding. God bless.

  2. Harley, I'm so glad you are blessed by my blog. I hope the blessings continue. God keep you in his grasp always! Jody


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