
            Have you ever considered the people that Jesus healed and how their lives were changed? These people who experienced life long disabilities were now able to take part in society.  What a change!  The former blind man had to learn to see; it sounds silly but think about it.  Most of us grow up visually oriented, seeing just is.  The blind man found his way through his other senses, touch, sound and smells, he trusted those senses, and will he be able to trust his sight?  The crippled man, able to walk would be expected to no longer be a beggar but a productive member of society and find a useful vocation.  To change from what one has always known to something totally different is not easy.  Answers to prayer are indeed blessings.

            God has been answering prayers since he created man.  There are times I wonder if he gives me the answers I want, to teach me a lesson.  The lesson would be to trust that he knows best. With blessings comes responsibility.  How often do we think if only I had (fill in the blank) life would be so much better. Then we find that we have whatever we hoped for and life is still … well…life. The things of this world will never satisfy the one whose heart is set on God.  Worldly things may provide some comfort for a while but they will eventually break, rust, fade away or get used up.  We should not place our trust in money or items, the sooner we realize this and place our trust in God the better life will be.

            Matthew 6:20-21 But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal.  For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.


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