God's Year

New Year’s Day; a day for new beginnings, for resolutions, for recollection of the year we leave behind. When I was a young adult, I was told that whatever one does on this day is an indicator of the year to come.  I have never found this to hold true.  I have great hopes for 2012 and keep telling myself, this is going to be my year.  Yet, when I consider this I wonder, what is it I hope this year will bring, how is it going to “my year?”  What needs to occur to make this your year?  It is an extraordinary consideration, isn’t it?

All my hopes and dreams cannot fit into a simple sentence or even a paragraph.  Yet, in spite of that, God’s dreams for me (and you) are bigger than I can fathom!  As I consider this point it occurs to me that instead of saying this will be my year, I should say it is God’s year because “with God all things are possible.”

 All of this begins with faith, instilled by the Holy Spirit.  Faith is not based on feelings.  If we rely on how we feel, nothing will be accomplished.  However, if we commit every day to God and move forward with confidence, we cannot fail.  Some may refer to it as a “fake it till you make it plan.”  The key difference is that it isn’t faking it at all, it is trusting God over trusting our feelings.  Feelings can and do steer us in the wrong direction, especially the negative ones like anger, loathing, defeat and worthlessness. When those feelings enter our minds we must refocus as Philippians 4: 8-9 remind us: “8 Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.  9 Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me—put it into practice.  And the God of peace will be with you.”

2012 – God’s Year!  Since we are children of God, it will be our inheritance too!


  1. Excellent Jody this year and all years should be God's Year I like what you wrote. And this year is the year we turn back to God as the bible speaks of. Thanks Jody

  2. I am so encouraged by this post!!! So true--with God we cannot fail, we are always and ever will be safely in His hands! Happy New Year!


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