from the window

            I live in Northern Illinois and thus far, we have had a rather mild winter.  However, today we are getting our first real snow fall, many people have been looking forward to it.  I don’t mind snow; I think it is quite beautiful as long as I don’t have to go anywhere.  A beautiful snowfall can conjure up images of frolicking in the snow, sledding and laughter. In reality, snow is a bit of burden; we have to shovel it or drive in it and eventually it loses its shine and becomes a dirty gray color. I find this similar to looking at the life of another, you know, the perfect family, and stunningly beautiful people in magazines or the wealthy.  From the window of our perspective, everything in other peoples’ lives looks beautiful and shiny.  Yet, I’m confident that were we to get out into that life, it would lose its charm quickly.  No one has the perfect life.  We live in a sinful world, which means there is no perfect life.  We must also consider that while we are looking at another’s life with admiration, there is probably someone looking at ours with the same admiration. We each have the life God intended and we have much for which to be thankful.

            Our aim should be to live the life each of us is given to the best of our ability and to take joy in all of life’s quirks.  1 Timothy 6:6 reminds us, “but godliness with contentment is great gain.”  I propose, we each look around at our own life with the same sort of admiration that we view the lives of others.  Not that we should be prideful but thankful.  Life is good, God is great!


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