
            Today is the anniversary of the day I met my husband, a fond memory for sure. In reality, we spent about half an hour together that evening.  My first impression was that he’s a nice guy but I wasn’t instantly in love.  It took time to get to know him and for him to know me.  The more time we spent together, the more we fell in sync with each other until we reached a point when it became apparent we were better together than we were as individuals.

            First impressions are interesting but not always reliable.  I have many friendships today that would not be, if we relied on the first impression. How many people would not be in your life if you didn’t take the time to get to know them because of your first impression?  Relationships require maintenance.  Maintenance might mean talking on the phone daily, a weekly lunch date, an occasional email or just a Christmas letter once a year.  I just love the friendships I have that can pick up on a moments notice; you know that friend who you may not see or talk to for months but when you reconnect, it is as though there was no space of time between visits.

            My relationship with God has just always been.  I grew up in a Christian home and for many years, I thought everyone did.  I was surprised to learn that isn’t the case.  God has always kept the door of relationship open for me (and you), even when I wasn’t always interested in pursuing a relationship.  I have also found that when I maintain my relationship with God, life is simpler, decisions are easier to make and I find myself more content. Don’t take your relationship with friends and family for granted, appreciate them.  Don’t take your relationship with God for granted either, love him, spend time with him!


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