I have recently experienced dealings with people who come across as quite pompous and full of themselves. These people do not bring out the best in me, they cause me to feel rage and undermine my self-confidence. I find myself asking what is the Christian response to these people? How do I love these people who bring out the worst in me? So, I stepped back a bit to looked at myself first, am I being unfair to them, is there truth in their behaviors? I decided that the best approach is to pray for them and for myself. To receive their actions with a grain of salt because regardless of how I feel about them, there are two sides to every interaction and I am not perfect by any means. I pray that God will enable me to let go of the rage and to love as he has called me to do. I pray for the proper perspective when I encounter these situations. I pray for them, that they will be humbled, not in a demeaning way but that they will gain insight into how their behaviors impact others and ...