For or with?

Have you ever experienced something so wonderful that you couldn’t decide whether to share it with the world or to hoard it for yourself? It is as if giving it away will somehow lessen the experience. I frequently feel that way about my relationship with God, it is intensely personal, especially my prayers. Praying allows me to spill it all before the Lord. I don’t want to spill it all with another human being. You see, God keeps my secrets, he cherishes my praise and he readily forgives my sins. There are some moments too special, you can share them with another but they really don’t get it because it isn’t the same as being there. You know how it goes; trying to share a funny story and you’re laughing so hard, you finally get the story out and your friend just grins. Then you say, “I guess you had to be there.” But when I share with God it is so deep and intimate becaus...