Blaze of glory

            I believe autumn is my favorite season. The cooling of a steamy, hot summer, no need for air conditioning, and the apple cinnamon candles are all good reasons to enjoy fall. My most beloved aspect though is the color. Living my life in the Midwest watching the leaves change color has always been a fascination. The thing is, once the leaves reach their bold color, they die and fall off the tree; to quote Bon Jovi they “go out in a blaze of glory.” In my overactive imagination, that is how see the Christian life and its mortal end.
            Being a nurse, I have witnessed many deaths over the years. Some were quite peaceful and others rather distressing. I doubt that anyone else would say death is a blaze of glory, I would add, on this side of the event. Yet, for the Christian, imagine the blaze of glory awaiting us! I also had the privilege to witness the death of my husband, Don. Yes, it was a privilege. Don knew he was dying and he used his final few weeks of life to witness about his Savior, Jesus Christ, to anyone and everyone who came to visit (trust me, he had a lot of visitors). He drew his final breaths in our home surrounded by myself and our children, he was not in pain or despair, and he truly was at peace. I know, without question he was met with a blaze of glory as his Savior welcomed him home. I was distraught for my loss and my children’s loss but so joyful for his gain.  I have a solid hope that has been strengthened by what I have witnessed and in these present times it is very much needed. God’s word also backs up my hope.
            Romans 8:18, 19 “I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us. For the creation waits in eager expectation for the children of God to be revealed.”
            We are heirs to the kingdom of heaven, how exciting is that? We are all leaves on God’s family tree; we need to live in bold colors to draw the attention of those who don’t know the saving love of Christ. Not everyone knows when they are in their final days, nor should we wait until our final days to let the world know God’s love is real. Jesus saving grace is real. Let’s live now in a blaze of glory. 


  1. "Persevere" inspires the 59th bible book of James and now "Blaze of Glory" has inspired a song by Cher called "Just Like Jesse James". The lyrics read: "tonight you're going to go down in flames just like Jesse James." The apostle Paul has likened life to a race. (2 Timothy 4:6,7 and Galatians 5:7). We are all on pace for a death date, but when the runner senses the finish line the pace gets accelerated and if he/she happens to be in the lead, (even 2nd or 3rd in the Olympics), a glorious feeling sets in as he/she approaches the finish line. It is indeed a glorious finish to a life of faith. Those of faith who were stricken with an illness like your husband Don (3/17/1958 - 4/9/2009) and David Penza (3/4/1989 - 9/7/2008) can relate. Their faith has been a big boost to my faith. David's favorite scripture was Jeremiah 29:11. If we were to rearrange the Bible Books alphabetically, there are 3 that don't budge from their original positions. Ezra stays put at #15 . . . Jeremiah stays put at #24 . . . and Mark stays put at #41.
    And after describing spiritual life in soul form absent from a body (1 Corinthians 15:35-54), Paul admonishes us at 1 Corinthians 15:58 to "stand firm and let nothing move us." i.e. "don't budge."


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