
            Everyone is a slave to someone or something. We like to think we are free and there is a grain of truth to that freedom, we do have the freedom to choose our master. I once heard that the first thing you think about on waking, will give you insight as to where your heart is.  I have had the occasion of pain being my master on waking and one might say, but you didn’t choose that master. At first blush that is true, but how I choose to allow or disallow the pain to govern my day is my choice.
Matthew 6: 20, 21 “But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” … verse 24 goes on to say “No man can serve two masters. Either you will hate one and love the other, or you will be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money.”
            What is it that drives you out of bed in the morning? Many will say it is the alarm clock or the job they must get to on time but why? Why do you go to that job? I have long struggled with serving God or money, being human in a capitalist society, money is essential for survival. Maybe your driving force is food or exercise or worry. God does want us to be productive members of society and he understands that money and food are needed. He has also said he will provide for our needs. It is when the money or things that money can buy take first place in our hearts; that’s His spot.
            We are to use the gifts he gives us wisely. When those gifts become these reasons we behave a certain way or they become more important than anything else in life, we have selected those gifts as our master. People turn their backs to God to go after earthly success, they claim their freedom from religion because they find serving God as too restrictive. In actuality, God is the most liberal master one can have. God is loving, forgiving and redemptive. When was the last time you were forgiven for missing a car payment or an overdrawn checking account? You weren’t, you were penalized. The rules for money are hard and fast.
            God’s rules are also hard and fast but they will also guide your life toward abundance. I’m not speaking of prosperity in the earthly fashion. The abundant life is blessed and blesses others. If you have ever had the opportunity to bless another person you know that it builds you up in the process, blessed to be blessing. You cannot out give God. Living by biblical guidelines gives you a life of freedom; free from guilt, from regret, from hate, and from worry. But when you stumble outside the guidelines, God forgives as soon as you turn back to him, he welcomes you with open arms and does not decrease your credit score.
            Money and things are nice and convenient to have, in and of themselves, they are not evil. We must remember the proper places for these items in our lives, it is our role to master them and not allow them to master us. We have the freedom to choose our master.
            Joshua 24:15 “But if serving the Lord seems undesirable to you, then choose for yourselves whom you will serve…. But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.”



  1. Discover Card Checking has a "first time overdrawn forgiveness policy. But they are not going to go seven times or even (7X11=77) times. Matthew 18:22. God put the forgiveness marker out that far and will even intentionally lose track of the count.


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