It's a Cup!

            There seems to be a misperception that social media is blowing way out of proportion. People believe that Christians really care or get offended by a coffee cup. Say it isn’t so! Now, I am not a coffee drinker so it couldn’t be any lower on my list of concerns. I had no idea people took these things so seriously. I also hear people say that we “can’t” say Merry Christmas and this simply isn’t true. We can wish people Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukah, Joyous Kwanza or the generic Happy Holiday; it is the person behind the phrase that matters. Love your neighbor as yourself.
            Perhaps you have met someone who did get offended by your greeting; I have not. I believe that our responsibility is to share the joy of the season and not be caught up in the grumbling consumerism that has invaded the season. I have blogged about this before, it is sort of my soap box. We must rejoice and be glad as we commemorate the birth of our Savior. When we join in on the grousing about our ‘to-do’ lists we steal our own joy.
            1 Corinthians 15: 33, 34 “Do not be misled; “Bad company corrupts good character.” Come back to your senses as you ought, and stop sinning; for there are some who are ignorant of God – I say this to your shame.”

            Not only do we steal our own joy we deprive others of knowing that joy, the joy of Jesus! Should we defend Christmas? Absolutely. But we should do so by sharing love, not by stirring up commotion over a coffee cup. This is the time of year that non-believers are most open to an invitation to worship; extend the invite. If your cup bothers you that much write Merry Christmas on it yourself; yes, you can!


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