
            Anyone who has gone through an illness that slows you down or even threatens your life has likely experienced the “gotta live my life” feeling. It is that determination that once one gets through an illness, she will really get out and live, no more couch potato lifestyle. I know this has been my experience. While one is ill, it is easy to make these commitments; “When I get better I’m going to… (Insert activity)” Then, when one recovers, reality comes along and reminds one of the commitments.

            I have been trying to fulfill this commitment to myself this year. Today, as I was jogging with my dog (one of my new activities) a song on my I-pod declared, “To know the joy of soaring, you must face the fear of flying.” (Paraphrased) Back in March, my sister and I shared an experience while traveling that illustrated that phrase to a tee. We went zip-lining in Jamaica, it was exhilarating and initially terrifying at the same time. Before we could slide along the cable, over the canopy to see the most incredible views; we first had to step off the platform that was several hundred feet in the air. It only took one step but what a step! Was it worth it? Absolutely. Even as I sailed through the air and marveled at the scenery I was thinking, am I really doing this? However, it can be exhausting to keep finding such thrills to feel alive. We have to look for the thrills in our daily lives.

            The thing about those kinds of moments is that we pass through them so quickly. How often do we experience, this is living, moments? We experience them daily; we just don’t recognize them for what they are. When you have a heart that is grateful for all you have, you are living. Whether the moments are simple, such as watching your child wake up or intense like zip-lining, be in the moment and say thank you to God.

            Here are a few moments I am thankful for today:

·         Seeing a cloud that looked like Mr. Lundt from Veggie tales.

·         My dog’s excitement about going for a jog.

·         My ability to jog at all.

·         The cool breeze blowing through my screen door.

·         The taste and texture of chocolate. (A daily thing)

·         The aroma of wild flowers.

·         Text messages from my children.


Yes sir; that’s living! Each moment is life and a gift from God.

Isaiah 40:28-40 “Do you not know? Have you not heard? The Lord is the everlasting God,

the Creator of the ends of the earth. He will not grow tired or weary, and his understanding no

one can fathom. He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak.

Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the

Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow

weary, they will walk and not be faint.” (NIV)




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