
Lately, I’ve been thinking about the fact that Jesus was God before he came to earth as a human; God first, human second. We, on the other hand, are humans first and we become Christians. Sometimes we forget this.

            In this internet age, it is very simple to pass judgment anonymously about anything and everything. So often, the comments are bitter denunciations that totally demean another person without responsibility for the words. I am not saying that all judgmental people are Christians. I am asking however, do our comments reflect our Christianity? Of all the people that populate this earth, we are to be lights shining in the darkness. We are humans first, meaning that whatever someone else does, we must remember with great humility that we are no better, we just happen to be forgiven. “There, but for the grace of God, go I” is a phrase that we must continually use to remind ourselves, we are where we are because of God’s blessing. Jesus demonstrated this level of compassion to the woman accused of adultery. The one man who could legitimately condemn her was the one who delivered her from her enemies. (John 8:3-12)

            Unless we have walked the exact same path, with the same choices (which is rare) we cannot judge another, nor should we condemn another, it is not our right or our responsibility. Our duty as Christians is to love others as Christ loves us; actively, passionately, deliberately, lovingly. The words we speak or type must be well considered and considerate.


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