A New Thing

“If you always do what you’ve always done; you will always get what you’ve always gotten.” Most, if not all, of us have seen that quote before. It is true too.

At the beginning of the year I decided I would change things I do. I began regular walking then jogging, first on a treadmill and now on terrain. At first I kept going to the same walking path; lately I have begun exploring new paths. My dog, Elsa, absolutely loves going with me, she is actually the one who makes sure we go every day that I am not working. I’ve been rather proud of myself for making this improvement in my lifestyle. Yet, I know there are more changes to be made.

There is excitement and a little hesitation in exploring new paths. There could be steep trails, or creepy people or even the brown bear that has been spotted roaming around Northern Illinois. But there can also be beauty, a welcome breeze or a cute bunny waiting for me around a bend.  I have to make a choice to step out of my comfort zone to have a new experience.

While the exercise regime was a big step for me it was relatively easy too because it only involved me and my dog (and the occasional crabby person on the path). I tend to be a loner, I always have been. This has instigated a great deal of introspect and prayer on my part. I think I would like to be part of the group lifestyle and not so much a loner. I have considered what persona I put out to others that keep me a loner even in my 50s. I have prayed for change socially, but nothing has happened.

Now, this may seem obvious to you, it was an epiphany for me. As I explored a new path today (see the picture attached) it occurred to me I need to explore new social paths too. In my prayers, I kept asking God to do things for me but I wanted him to bring it to me in my recliner. I need to step out of my comfort zone and accept invitations, go public places solo, and actively seek new friends to name a few. This will require courage and faith and trial and error; God is always with me though, always has been. Your challenge may be very different from mine, maybe even the opposite, maybe you are not comfortable being alone. Whatever your challenge is; ask yourself and God, what is one thing you can do to move toward your goal, then, take the first step knowing God is with you.

Isaiah 43:18, 19 “Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wastelands.”


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