what to do

            Today is St Patrick’s Day, which is significant to a lot of people. It is significant to me because it is the anniversary of when Don was born. I always wish him Happy Birthday, even though he is in heaven. I got to thinking about a birthday in heaven, he is not limited to a calendar year, he is in eternity; time has no meaning there. If they do celebrate such occasions my guess would be they would celebrate April 9th, the day he entered the Pearly Gates.  

            My thoughts carried me further. What does one “do” in heaven? Don was a passionate potter here in the material world but there are no needs for material goods in heaven (are there?). So, what is he doing? I have read many books on near death experiences and I see a common thread, relationships. Souls gravitate to the other souls that knew them on earth. In heaven we will be in even closer relationship with God than we are already. I had always heard that we will sing praises to God when in heaven and even though I enjoy singing, the thought of doing that for eternity sounded a little boring, there has to be more. In heaven, no soul will be a stranger, we will know each other, which is a staggering number of friends (and I thought I had a lot of friends on Facebook!) This leads me to imagine that we will spend time in relationship with other souls. Total conjecture on my part, it is so much to fathom.

            I know with my inmost being, that heaven will be fabulous, beyond words. That being said let me add, I don’t see myself going there in the immediate future, this is just something that occurs to me when I recall that Don is already there and I wonder what he is up to. I imagine him teasing young souls and bringing forth peals of laughter, adding to the joy of an already joy filled place.
Happy Birthday in heaven Don!

            Revelation 7:16, 17 “They shall hunger no more, neither thirst anymore, neither shall the sun light on them nor any heat. For the Lamb that is in the midst of the throne shall feed them, and shall lead them to living fountains of waters: and God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes.”


  1. Beautiful Jody, I figure also that we will be able to see those that we shared Jesus with down here and then when we get up there we will get to see how many souls we have touched directly or indirectly. The could of witnesses. Plus with God having a sense of humour imagine the laughter,joy ,peace,love that we will get to share with each other. As for your comment about singing I would have to agree with you about boring,plus I would have to sing in the off-key,no rhythm section.I enjoy your depth,wise words from a Godly sister in the Lord. Keep up the great words. Peace Carl

    1. Carl don't worry. If you did sing a bit out of tune, I would not stand up and walk out on you. I'll lend you my ears, if you'll sing me a song. Just try your best to not sing out of key. All we need is our spiritual brothers and sisters and we'll get by with a little help from our friends.


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