
            Evidently, God is trying to teach me patience. It is not a lesson (or virtue) that comes easily; I suppose if it did, it wouldn’t be a virtue. I feel as though I am in an airplane circling the airport waiting for clearance to land. It is so frustrating, the airport is right there, it is in sight but forces beyond my control won’t let me land and continue on my journey.

            This is when faith must do its work. There are great many things out of my control. Yet, when I have faith and use it, I can trust that it is in God’s control, it always has been. Easier said than done, right? When my faith is challenged or shaken I can go one of two ways. I can cling tighter to God, spend more time in prayer and in his word (choose this one). Or, I can listen to the taunts and lies of Satan telling me that God doesn’t care or that I have disappointed God with my lack of faith so I must not really be God’s child (um, no).

            I once heard that Satan attacks those, whose faith poses a threat to him. I think there could be a grain of truth in that although to believe that at face value would mean that the life of the faithful should always be in a state of upheaval. I believe God allows difficulty but that he also provide periods of peace and joy. How much time have I wasted fretting about what is to come rather than appreciating the moment I am in, the present? Do you suppose that is another of Satan’s tactics? He distracts us from the here and now, causing us to waste our most precious resource, time.

            This post is actually just me, talking myself down from the cliff of frustration to change my perspective and remind myself (again) that God is in control. It is a simple concept; I just need to quit complicating it. God bless your day!


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