
            In my devotion this morning I read, “Fear: False evidence appearing real.” It is so true. When I consider the different fears I have had; relatively few of them ever came to fruition. What are your fears? Perhaps it is a fear of not being good enough or the fear of being alone, maybe the fear of not being loved. God has already conquered these for you, we have forgiveness, he is our constant companion and he loves us dearly. I can hear the “yeah, but” already, I’ve said ‘yeah but’ myself. I agree, when one is lonely, it is difficult to hug the Holy Spirit. Yet, the Holy Spirit is indeed our comforter and when we hold fast to him, we can overcome those feelings and be confident and content.

This week, due to the outpouring of God’s love in tangible ways (God’s love is always there, we just don’t always recognize it) I am feeling pretty fearless. If only I could bottle this feeling and hang onto it for later when I face other fears that may crop up in my life. While I cannot bottle the feeling, I can hold onto the memories of all that God has already done for me and rest in the knowledge that he will not stop.

            I know this because when it comes to loving my children, I will not stop. We are children of the King; he will not stop loving us. Luke 11:13 “If you then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your father in heaven give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him!” We see in the Old Testament that God frequently reminded the children of Israel of all that he had done for them in the past to embolden them for what was to come. God is unchanging, his love is eternal, and he is the firm foundation upon which we stand.

            Secure in this knowledge; let us live boldly and lovingly walking the path that God has designed for us. Have no fear.


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