
            I am really not good with rejection of any sort. Rejection bruises the ego, whether it is being rejected by a person, a job application, a credit card application, okay, any application, rejection stings. I will usually attempt to rationalize or make myself feel better with a quip like, “It’s their loss.” Yet, below the surface I am licking my imaginary wounds. I may even be hoping for some karma to come back and bite the offender somehow. (I’m using karma for lack of a better word.)

            I do believe (even know) that God uses these circumstances to shape us into the vessels he wants us to become. There is comfort in knowing that.  I mentioned in my last post that Don was a potter, I watched him throw pots and quite often (especially for the one of a kind pots) he would begin forming a lump of clay only to smash it down again and start over. Well my friends, if you remember, we too are made of the dust of the earth, the earth spins like the potter’s wheel and the hand of God is continually shaping us. The day will come when God pulls us from the spinning earth to be with him in heaven and THAT is where our joy lies. I admit I am not good with delayed gratification but holding onto that thought when I feel like I am falling apart truly renews my spirit and my resolve to get back up again. Each of us is a one of kind creation in the Master’s hands. We may be rejected by all kinds of people and situations in this earthly life but God has promised to never reject us.

            Hebrews 13:5,6 “Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said, ‘Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.’ So we say with confidence, ‘The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid. What can man do to me?’”


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