
Headache, stuffy nose, scratchy throat..yep, I’m sick. Have you ever noticed that when you are sick everything in your life is gloomier? I will grant you that it is difficult to be upbeat when you feel like a train wreck. I do, however, challenge you (and me) to not allow illness to change the color of your blessings. There is something about being sick that entices us to crawl into a hole with a blanket and pillow and wallow in our sickliness. Perhaps, if we avoid the hole and appreciate the soft blanket we can shorten the illness?

So, I’m counting my blessings today and giving thanks for them, I am thankful for you, my readers, for allowing me to share my random thought processes with you. I am thankful for God who loves me unconditionally (even with a runny, chapped nose and a congestion induced speech impediment). I am thankful for Jesus, my Savior, who died for me while I am still a sinner. I am thankful for my family (shout out to my sister Wendy – Happy Birthday!) and the animals in my life. I am thankful for this cold that causes me to be introspective. The list can go on and on, so many blessings. I’m off to cuddle up with my blanket (for which I am thankful) and count some more blessings. Thank you dear reader for being a blessing to me! I feel better already!


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