the internal voice
I bet you are
familiar with the phenomenon of hearing your own voice in your head and then
hearing it on a recording and saying to yourself, ‘I don’t sound like that, do
I?’ I had a cassette tape recorder when I was younger and remember recording
myself singing a Streisand song, believing I was spot on, Barbara had nothing
on me. But then I played the tape back and was horrified by what I heard; good
thing I hadn’t quit my paper route already.
I find myself
looking at the younger generation, or parents of young children and thinking, I
didn’t behave like that. I have the tendency to gloss over my own past poor
behaviors, do you? Not that I claim to have been the perfect young adult (far
from it) or the best parent. However, I’m pretty sure what I remember in my
head versus what really took place are in as much contrast as my internal voice
and my recorded voice.
God has redeemed
me. He redeemed my parenting skills or lack thereof as demonstrated by the fact
that my daughters turned out to be pretty good adults. (Love you girls) God
gives us the lives we live and the challenges we face, entwined in those
challenges are blessings untold. I like the saying “God doesn’t called the
equipped, he equips the called.” When I look at the things I have come through
in my life, which many would consider significant, I believe my life pales in
comparison to challenges faced by others. I find this to be true of anyone I
speak to about their challenges as well. A parent of a mentally challenged
child considers herself blessed to have had such a child. A person with a
disability possesses the wonderful ability to see life and appreciate it from a
unique perspective that an able bodied person will never understand. Even when
I’m not overjoyed with my life, I know I wouldn’t trade it for another. We
grow, we gain insights, we get stronger, and we learn that God’s grace truly is
sufficient for us.
We are redeemed!
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