is a documentary series by James Burke called, Connections. Don and I always enjoyed watching it; it was a unique
look at how one thing could lead to another. It might begin with a ball point
pen then move to the spring within the pen then to the inventor of the spring
who invented something else and on it might go until it led to the space
shuttle. We were always intrigued and fascinated. I got to thinking about this
series and the idea of connections. What is the first thing we do when we meet
someone new? We look for a connection, some commonality that connects us,
perhaps a common friend, location or hobby. Humans want to connect.
has always dictated that we don’t speak of money, politics or religion. Indeed,
these topics can become sticky and awkward. But there is one thing every person
in the world has in common; we were created by God who loves us. The problem
is, not everyone appears to know this wonderful fact. What if those of us who
do know were brave enough to share this with those who don’t know? I am not
talking about vigorous witnessing, rather gentle introduction. We have many opportunities
to make such introductions. When we discuss some trial or blessing we can point
out our thanks to God. We can tell how he demonstrated his love for us in
different situations. When just the right thing happened at just the right time
we can give God the glory. Consistently identifying God’s grace in our lives
will eventually make an impact, we must be patient. We are workers in the
harvest tilling the soil and planting seeds wherever we go, it is up to the
Holy Spirit to make the seed grow. There is a lot of fertile ground out there,
people want and need to know that God is here and he loves them and is just
waiting for them to love him back. We have the answer for a world in need, let’s
share it.
9:37-38 ‘Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send
out workers into his harvest field.”
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