
            I’m a big fan of words, sort of an obvious statement since I like to write. I remember when I was still pretty little, frequently asking my mother what different words meant. Learning vocabulary in school was a favorite subject too. Unfortunately, this love of words also leads me some sinful behavior, when I see misspelled or improperly used words I become a little judgmental. Now, that doesn’t mean I say anything but I do have very brief thoughts of feeling somehow superior.

            I give great thought to my choice of words, spoken or written. My goal is to be positive and uplifting as often as possible. Proverbs 25:11 “A word aptly spoken is like apples of gold in a setting of silver.” Our word choices (and thought choices) have the wonderful ability to create great beauty in the world around us, in the people around us. I am not speaking of falsely inflating an ego just simply recognizing a positive feature or behavior. Expressing appreciation for small favors or overlooking a minor offense is uplifting too. We should follow the example our Lord set before us in Psalm 103:8-10 “The LORD is compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, abounding in love.  He will not always accuse, nor will he harbor his anger forever; he does not treat us as our sins deserve or repay us according to our iniquities.

            I was hard pressed by a patient last week suffering dementia; she became ugly and verbally abusive to me. It is to my shame that I lost my cool (a rare occurrence) but I did, after a bit we both calmed down and the remainder of the day went well. In my head I have relived that moment several times. I have asked for forgiveness, now I must remember that God has removed that sin as far as the east is from the west and stop trying to drag it back.

            Words are powerful things, let us all choose them wisely to make the world a better place. Have a blessed day!


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