
This time of year is sentimental for me. It marks a few anniversaries of different events in my life that have impacted me greatly. When I get sentimental I think about the “good old days” when life was very different than it is today. I crave those simpler times although at the time I had no idea how good it was. It is a lot like realizing you were in good physical shape at a time when you thought you were fat (women understand this).

Today, we consider ourselves pretty high tech and advanced; yet, I would hazard a guess that in 20 years we will look back and laugh at ourselves for thinking this way. All my speculation about the past and future reminds that we must appreciate the here and now. I’m sure I’ve written about this before but it is a lesson that requires relearning (for me anyway) on a regular basis. I get caught up in memories or dreams of what is coming when I have so many moments right here, right now that I need to live. The young look to the future, the old look to the past; but what to do we hope to gain by doing so?

This all begs the question, how does one truly live in the present? My suggestion is this; put down your cell phone, back away from your computer and connect with another living being. Look someone in the eyes and listen to her words, encourage him, hug a friend, a child, a partner or a pet. Do not place expectations on a person or event (it will usually lead to disappointment) just allow things to happen and appreciate them (even if it seems nothing is going right). Okay, yes, I’m being sentimental, thinking of those I have lost. Memories and plans have their place in life; they just should not be your life.

So dear reader, at the risk of being sappy, I think you are lovely and I pray God blesses your day with joy-filled, memorable moments!

Luke 12:29-31 “And do not set your heart on what you will eat or drink; do not worry about it. 30 For the pagan world runs after all such things, and your Father knows that you need them. 31 But seek his kingdom, and these things will be given to you as well.


  1. Very, very, well said, Jody. I always enjoy your posts.


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