Oooo Shiny!

                        I don’t know if there is such thing as a “typical” Netflix consumer but I rather doubt that I am typical. I rarely watch a movie, too long, or get into a TV series (can you say commitment issues?). I enjoy finding stand-up comedy that isn’t too vulgar or documentaries that are less than an hour in length. This has led me to watch several TED talks. I am really drawn to learning about other cultures, I suppose it is the traveler in me, I can’t swing a trip right now so I will invest my time exploring other worlds via cyberspace. There is so much to learn too!
            It is both freeing and shameful to realize I have absolutely no right to a “poor pitiful me” moment. So many other cultures in third world nations that are fortunate to have a single meal a day yet the people are happy, they have smiles and they welcome strangers, sharing what they have, as little as it is. As a kid one of the items I have the fondest memories of was a piece of wood plank that my sister drew a road map on so my brother and I could drive our hot wheels on it. As I recall it though, I doubt that it was the board that brought me joy; I feel that it was more that I was sharing time with my brother. It was simple, simple is good.  Why is it the more we have, the more we want? I believe Satan has something to do with that. You see, all the little items we possess are easy detractors from the love of God. He deceives us in so many ways; tells us objects are harmless and that a loving God would want us to have them.
This is also what prosperity preachers tell us. God really does want what is best for us; we just happen to have varying ideas of what that looks like. We are often given the quote from Jeremiah 29:11- “ For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. But that one verse is followed by verses 12 &13  Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you.  You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. In God’s view, we prosper when we seek and find Him. The words in Jeremiah were addressed to the children of Israel when they were exile. They were in exile because they turned their backs on God. Given the circumstances of current day USA, I believe it is safe to say that a fair portion of our country has turned its back on God too. Maybe we are already in exile? I have been praying for a revival in our country to turn back to the values we once had; such as respect for others, respect for life, respect for authority, and of course respect for God.
As a nation we are fascinated with toys, electronics, wealth and fame, they sparkle and shine and distract us from what is truly valuable. We need to focus on what God finds valuable which happens to be each other and Him. We have become a hyperactive nation, unable to focus on anything for very long. Let’s put down the toys, the phones, the remote controls, the video game handsets, and the food and turn to each other and have a discussion. Keep in mind, the best time you have likely ever had has been with another person not an object. We are to be in relationship with each other and with God, let us not forget.


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