
            The last several months I have been having a recurring theme in my dreams; I am always searching for something. It might be a person or an inanimate object but regardless, I am looking for something. It is odd first of all that I even remember these dreams but even more so that they are bothering me. I have been taking it to God in prayer but the answers are not coming readily. It can be unsettling going through this period; obviously I’m searching for answers. However, aside from what the dreams mean, I don’t know what the question is!
            Today, I was thinking that a mountaintop experience might be in order, to reignite the enthusiasm and flames of faith. Looking back on my prior mountaintop experiences; they are typically accompanied by tragedy. My most meaningful, faith growing experiences happened when I was facing great difficulties. I’m really not up for another tragedy in my life right now. So, I intend to sit at the feet of God and wait; some days will be better than others but I trust that God will open my eyes to see when the time is right. Waiting is not easy; I anticipate and plan and concoct avenues by which God can make certain things happen. But as we all know, His ways are not our ways.
            Perhaps you remember the story of Mary and Martha. Mary chose to sit at Jesus’ feet and Martha was fretful that she did not get the necessary help in the kitchen. I have always fancied myself as Mary, sitting at his feet. In reality, I’m probably more like Martha, trying to solve dilemmas for God rather than just giving him the space to do his thing. Patience is a virtue for a reason, it requires restraint without anger or frustration, and it requires loving, trusting surrender of a situation. That is a hefty load for a control freak.  But God will provide! (I am fully telling myself these things.)
            James 5:7.8 “Be patient, then, brothers and sisters, until the Lord’s coming. See how the farmer waits for the land to yield its valuable crop, patiently waiting for the autumn and spring rains. You too, be patient and stand firm, because the Lord’s coming is near.


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