What do you smell?

            I have mentioned before that I am an aroma sort of girl.  This morning in my bible reading I once again came across the verse in 2 Corinthians 2:15, 16 “For we are to God the aroma of Christ among those who are being saved and those who are perishing.  To one we are the smell of death; to the other the fragrance of life.  And who is equal to such a task?”

            It raised the question in my mind, what do life and death smell like? When I think of the smell of death, it isn’t too difficult to come up with odors; rotting fruits or vegetables, perhaps the dead skunk in the road smell.  Since I own two dogs, I am continually faced with the challenge of trying to keep my home smelling fresh, while it isn’t a smell of death, it isn’t a smell I care to live with either. We desire fresh scents, we desire life.

            The aromas of life are those scents that bring a smile to one’s face. Some of the smells that come to my mind are fresh mown grass, a baby just out of the bath, line dried clothing, not to mention any number of flowers or spices.  We inhale these smells deeply and appreciate them.

            How odd to consider that the same scent (being the aroma of Christ) can smell so very different to others. How do we convert one’s sense of smell?  We are to live in such a way to create curiosity in the unbeliever; we want him to seek what we have and smell what we smell, the glorious gift of salvation…eternal life.


  1. Jody you always brighten my day when I read your comments, as I spray the rooms with good
    aromas and enjoy the smell of good cooking. I take a deep breathe when I wake up and look in the mirror and say thank you God for another bright day and lets smell the roses and enjoy Gods blessings, no matter how our aging body feels. Love Bev

  2. At some point in life the unbeliever has to come to the realization of his/her spiritual need. If there is a physical aspect to life there is also a spiritual aspect. And as Galations 6:7,8 says we reap eternal life by sowing with a view to our spirit (not our flesh). 1 Corinthians 15:44 says if there is a natural body, there is also a spiritual body. And verse 49 says:"And just as we have borne the likeness of the earthly man, so shall we bear the likeness of the man from heaven. So there is a dual nature to our soul. At the present time we are spirit animated flesh/blood beings in a material world. When we die we leave the flesh/blood behind, but all is not lost because we still have a soul that is capable of thinking and willing and will continue to exist in the spirit world. Galations 5:19-26 draws a sharp contrast between God's side and the Devil's side and an exhortation is given to live by "The Spirit" i.e. "God's Spirit".


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