Hot potato

            We have had breezes that last few days.  There is something about a cool breeze, any breeze at all for that matter, which refreshes.  In New Testament Greek, the word for spirit and wind (aka breeze) is the same word.  I am often reminded of the Holy Spirit and comforted by the wind.  It serves as a reminder that there are things we can’t see exactly but we can see their effects, we can feel their presence.  The Holy Spirit is a rather subtle entity though, often times moving behind the scenes, it requires one to be acutely aware of little details.  I often recognize the Holy Spirit at work “after the fact” when I perform my own retrospective observation of a situation.

            Love is another such entity.  We are not always aware of it in the physical sense but we can see its effects. I suppose we shouldn’t be surprised by that, after all, God is love.  When we consider all the possible intangible qualities; love, appreciation, encouragement, satisfaction, joy and even sorrow to name a few; we can recognize, these are the articles that produce the kind of life we seek.  As God’s children, it is our responsibility to fill our world with these qualities.

            I have found myself a bit grumpy as of late and through self-examination, I have concluded it is because I am not planting the seeds of holy fruit and I cannot reap what I do not sow. How about you?  At times the Christian life is like a game of hot potato with God, what we give away in love he throws right back to us.  The key is, we have to keep throwing it out to the world to keep it going.  Imagine all that red-hot love flying around, brings a smile to your face, it does to mine.

            Galatians 5:22-23 “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.  Against such things there is no law.”


  1. The breezes on Monday were rather strong at times. 6 shingles got ripped off my roof and neatly deposited in 3 locations. 2 landed neatly on top of my neighbors recycle bin. 2 landed on plants another neighbor donated when they no longer had use for them and the last 2 landed in the neighbor to the rear's yard. That landing wasn't so neat as one of the shingles was intact and the other was broken into bits. I'm a firm believer that all things happen for a reason. Right now God only knows, but through meditation and prayer the answer will be revealed. The key is in the 2 that landed neatly on top of my neighbors recycle bin. And that fuels my faith that there is an aspect of life (like the wind) that will ultimately survive bodily death.


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