Lover of my Soul

            Romance novels have a way of making a girl blush.  In general, a woman appreciates the concept of being swept off her feet, and treasured and protected by a strong man.  Lately, I have been mulling over the idea of Jesus as a lover, (Got your attention, don’t I?) hear me out before you get outraged.

            The most intimate relationship anyone can share is that of the lover. It is intensely personal, a lover sees you in your most vulnerable conditions. A lover loves you in your most vulnerable conditions.  Being a lover requires trust.  Being a real lover places the other’s needs before your own.  Doesn’t that describe Jesus?  Shouldn’t that describe Jesus and his place in your life?  How could one be any more vulnerable than stripped bare, humiliated and hanging on a cross?

            As a single woman, it comforts me a great deal to know that Jesus truly is the lover of my soul.  He treasures me and protects me and if putting himself in harms way for me (especially when I deserve to be there) doesn’t sweep me off my feet, well, there’s not much hope for me is there?  In the midst of loneliness, I often wish for someone beside me to comfort me, it is in these moments that I recall Jesus as my lover. For no one ever loved me more.  He has witnessed all my vulnerabilities and ugliness and loves me just the same. I pray that I will return the love to him, placing my love for him above all else.

            “But God demonstrates His own love for us in this:while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” Romans 5:8


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