
I frequently ask for God’s guidance when I pray. Perhaps you have seen the acronym from the word guidance = God U & I dance. Dancing with God can be a beautiful thought; if you are one who is graceful likes to dance. For wallflowers it might be another story but God can change that. I tend to fall somewhere in the middle. The thing about dancing with God is that he is strong partner and can lead us through the most difficult moves.
Life is a lot like being on the dance floor. We have stages in life that are like a slow dance, easy, flowing, and wrapped in someone’s arms. Then, someone changes the tune and now we are expected to move more swiftly, perhaps running out of breath trying to keep up.  I tend to see line dancing as keeping up with the neighbors, we should all make the same steps at the same time and it is embarrassing when we misstep.  In line dancing we don’t really have our partner to guide us; we rely on those around us to help us figure it out. It is a good reminder that we should surround ourselves with wise counsel. A dance with a strong partner though can make even the poorest of dancers look good.
I do enjoy a good dance movie. I have been known to watch Dirty Dancing more than a few times. I was recalling the dances in that movie this morning; the main character, Baby, is an awkward young woman who meets, Johnny, the strong lead dance instructor. During the movie, he teaches her to dance and there is a particular move, the lift, that requires complete trust as she jumps into his arms and he lifts her high in the air, over his head. No surprise, at the end of the movie she accomplishes the lift. Oh, the other part is that Patrick Swayze plays Johnny in the movie. I got to thinking; a majority of women I know would jump into Patrick Swayze’s arm without a second thought. That is the sort of trust we need to have in God.  We should eagerly skip across the dance floor of life and leap into His arms that he may lift us high to see what He has planned for us.
Ask the Lord for guidance and trust that he is with you, enjoy the process.
Psalm 28: 7 “The Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in him, and he helps me. My heart leaps for joy, and with my song I praise him.”


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