Guilt trip

So, tell me if this rings a bell for you. You’re a kid who wants to sleep in on Sunday morning but your mother is an early church sort of person and she says, “How would it be if Jesus had slept in on Easter morning?” How does a kid fight that logic?

            I got to thinking about this as I was running this morning, when the desire to slow down and walk came over me, I realized that I actually used a mental guilt trip of, “Your pain can’t even compare to the shadow of Jesus’ pain on the cross!” Even though it is a true statement, I really don’t think Jesus wants to be the guilt trip Savior. I heard a little voice in my head say, “Really? Thoughts of our Savior should produce joy, not guilt.”

            I tried to turn my thinking into joyful, positive things. This became a list of all the blessings I’m thankful for including the things that don’t instantly make one thankful; like dust bunnies, sore muscles and homework. As I focused on creating my list the end of the running path quickly came into view, the ultimate thanks, this run is over!

            What is your viewpoint? When you think of your faith do you focus on your failures like Paul does in his letter to the Romans; “Oh wretched man that I am, who will deliver me from this body of death?” Romans 7:24. Or will you be like Paul the encourager as he addresses Timothy? “For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love and self-discipline” 2 Timothy 1:7. Obviously, we can be a bit of both. I so hope to encourage in positive ways the faith of others. May we all live boldly, joyfully and loudly proclaiming a Savior that does not love us begrudgingly but one who is filled with joy as we approach the throne of grace.


  1. I noticed the blog count is down this year when compared to prior years. Please be encouraged to know that I am still with you. I don't check it every day, but I don't miss a blog and yearn for more. You are dispensing essential vitamins for the Christian Soul.

    1. Thank you Harley! It means a lot to know I have a dedicated reader.


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