
            If someone had asked me about running a few years ago I would have said “never”. However, I have several friends who are runners and I have been intrigued by their passion for the activity. As I have started to participate in the running culture, I am beginning to understand the passion behind it. I don’t really see myself running a marathon but I no longer say “never”. I was inspired and influenced by my friends and by the desire to improve my health so I can look forward to productive retirement years (still more than a decade away).

            Who do you influence? I had an interesting discussion with a young friend this week; she is not a believer. She doesn’t believe that we have purpose or that we meet people for a reason. She does believe each of us is a singular being without effect and when we die it is all over. I was saddened. I shared my beliefs and pointed out that she has influenced people and that in turn will influence other people in a ripple effect. It gave her a thoughtful pause which gave me hope that I might have a positive effect on her life.

            We might never know the impact we have made on others; maybe we’ll find out in heaven. Wouldn’t it be awesome to learn that one act of kindness or generosity rippled out to another person that you’ve never met on earth but whose soul thanks you in heaven?

            If we consider this idea with each word or action we take, we can influence the world. This brings to mind two bible verses:

            Hebrews 13:2 “Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by so doing some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it.”

            Matthew 6: 19-21 “Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”

            Can we even imagine what treasure in heaven will be like? I once heard a tale of a wealthy man who was at heaven’s gate and he was clutching a bar of gold. St Peter told him he didn’t need it in heaven. The man said “ I must have it; I worked so hard for it I cannot let go of it.” After much discussion and skeptical looks from Peter and some angels, the man won his hard fought fight to take the bar of gold with him. As he walked through the gates with his bar of gold, an angel leans toward Peter and whispers, “Why is a paving stone so important?”


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