gift or burden

            It occurred to me today that I do not view many of God’s gifts to me as gifts on a regular basis; I often see them as burdens. I know I am not alone in this thinking. It is back to school season and many parents are rejoicing that they can send their children back into the educational trenches. Gifts or burdens? I have a home that shelters me, at times I have to clean it, fix it or update it and I groan. Gift or burden? I have a job that provides me a steady paycheck and other benefits, yet I whine (not always) about going to that job. Gift or burden? You get the picture.

            As a society, we make sport of complaining, groaning and whining and if we can throw in a sarcastic comment while we’re at it, we get brownie points. Imagine how much better life could be if we traded complaints for appreciation. In every situation we are to give thanks. 1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18 “Rejoice always, pray continually and give thanks in all circumstances for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.”  I don’t think this is just a command from God just to teach us good manners. I believe he has given this command for our own benefit; if we actually do this it improves our lives. It has been proven that being grateful has great health benefits. Being grateful strengthens your heart and immune system, it produces better sleep and less stress, it decreases depression and increases coping skills.

            There is something to appreciate in every circumstance, take the time to look for the gift, you’ll be glad you did.


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