Hidden Mickey

            If you have ever been to Disney World you may be familiar with the concept of the “hidden Mickey”. Each of the attractions have elaborate surroundings and within those surroundings are hidden Mickeys, silhouettes of Mickey’s head. It gives the visitor something a little extra to do while standing in line for a ride.

            I like to apply the same concept to life events, although, instead of looking for a hidden Mickey, I look for God’s hand. Let me tell you, this week has God’s hand all over it. I received the news that I have breast cancer, not to worry; it has been discovered early and is very treatable. I have been told that cells are very active though. So, I cried a little and then I looked for God’s hand.

            For starters, I was originally scheduled to get my mammogram in April; that appointment was missed because I was with my daughter in the hospital at the time. Had I kept that appointment, the cancer would likely not have been visible yet and I would not have another one until this April (if I remembered to have it done). Then, before Christmas my son-in-law was quite ill and shared his germs with me. This illness drove me to the doctor. While at the doctor, she prescribed a bunch of other tests to be performed at the hospital. This is what prompted me to get my mammogram done. (Otherwise, it probably would have blown off again.)

            Do you see His perfect timing in all of this? As I said before, the cells are very active, if I had not gotten the test done when I did, the results could have been so much worse. He has also blessed me with a peace and confidence that he is with me, every step of the way. I cannot help but smile each time I consider these points, even though at the times of my daughter being in the hospital and me being ill were major bummers, they were in fact blessings.

            I believe that if you look around your life you will find God’s hand all over it too. He does not cause bad things to happen but he will make good come of it.

            Romans 12:2 “Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is – his good, pleasing and perfect will.”





  1. Yes it's very true that God works in mysterious ways. The sunshine and rain benefit the righteous as well as the wicked, but he is also blessing people of faith like us in special ways. He does reward us. Hebrews 11:6 says "anyone that comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him." We just got to keep running on faith with blinders on till the day we die a death with great expectations.

  2. Jody I agree with you in How God's Has total control in His ways and Plans. Laura and I will send up Prayers for you and all of your family. Even as you and I and others look back we all can see God's Hand in every facet on our lives.


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